DLT Germany - Association for the sustainable promotion of Distributed-Ledger-Technologies in Germany

Data protection

Privacy Policy

Information notice of Digital Assets Association Germany ("we") pursuant to Art 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") regarding data processing operations in the context of accessing and using the website https://dltGermany.com ("Website"). Thank you for your interest in our website. The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal requirements of the GDPR in conjunction with the Germanyn Data Protection Act ("DSG"), the Germanyn Telecommunications Act 2003 ("TKG") and other relevant legal provisions. Data protection regulations focus on the processing of personal data, with certain exceptions. For the scope of this data protection declaration, the conceptual understanding of the GDPR is used. Thus, the "processing" of personal data essentially includes any handling of the same. Insofar as data processed by us is human-related and makes you identifiable as a person, it is basically personal data, whereby you are to be regarded as a person affected by data processing within the meaning of Art. 4 Z 1 GDPR. You are not obliged to provide data. Data automatically processed as a result of accessing the website is not personal data or is only stored for a very short period of time (see in particular point 2).

1. Person responsible for the processing of user data and contact

Responsible person in regard of Art 4 Z 7 GDPR:

DLT Germany - Association for the sustainable promotion of Distributed-Ledger-Technologies in Germany


Kärntner Ring 2/28

1010 Vienna


E-Mail: office@dltGermany.com

Web: https://dltGermany.com/

2. Processing of access data when calling up the website

When our website is accessed, certain access data is stored automatically in so-called server log files for the purposes of technical security, improvement of website quality and statistical purposes; this processing is based on our legitimate interest (Art 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR), which is to achieve the purposes just mentioned. In particular, the following data is processed: (i) name of the website visited; (ii) browser type/browser version used; (iii) operating system used by the user; (iv) website previously visited (referrer URL); (v) time of server request; (vi) amount of data transferred; (vii) host name of the accessing computer (IP address used) in anonymized form. This information does not allow us to draw any conclusions about your person; however, IP addresses are considered personal data in the sense of the GDPR. The log files are deleted automatically after six (6) months at the latest.

3. Establishment of Contact

In the context of contacting us via the contact options shown in this privacy policy, the information you provide will be processed for the purpose of handling the contact request and its processing. The processing of your data is necessary to process and respond to your request, otherwise we would not have the opportunity to contact you. The purpose of this data processing is to enable us to exchange information with users of the website. We answer your requests based on our overriding legitimate interest (Art 6 para 1 point f GDPR) in a functioning contact system. We will delete your request(s) and your contact data if your request has been finally answered. Your data will generally be stored for six (6) months and deleted after this period, provided you do not send us any follow-up requests.

4. Cookies and storage technologies

We do not use any storage technologies on our website that store data on your end device or access such information. Cookies are only used insofar as they are "absolutely necessary" within the meaning of § 96 para 3 TKG and are thus technically required to maintain basic functions of our website. Cookies are small data records that are stored on your terminal device. They are initially placed by a web server and sent back to it as soon as a new connection is established in order to recognize the user and his settings. In this sense, a cookie refers to a small local text file that assigns a specific identity of numbers and letters to your terminal device. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you have the option of adjusting your browser settings so that cookies can also be generally rejected. However, if you refuse all cookies on your browser, you may not be able to use the full functionality of our website. We do not use any technologies to track users or to target advertising.

5. Links to third party sites

We use links on our website to the pages of third parties. These are in particular links to our appearances in social networks (e.g. Linkedin). If you click on one of these links, you will be redirected directly to the respective page. For the website operators, it is only apparent that you have accessed our website. Accordingly, we generally refer to the separate privacy statements of these websites.

6. Data transmission

Your data will only be transferred to third parties in exceptional cases (unless we inform you separately): We will transfer your data to other responsible parties if we are legally obligated to do so; this may primarily involve authorities or courts within the scope of their legal responsibilities; we will only use processors within the meaning of Art. 28 GDPR if expressly identified and designated in the description of data processing operations within the scope of this DSE; your personal data will not be transferred to third countries, except in cases expressly identified in the scope of this data protection declaration.

7. Rights of the data subject

You have the following rights at any time with regard to your personal data processed by us, which can be exercised free of charge by notifying one of the contact options listed under point 1 and will be answered as soon as possible, but in any case within one month (restrictions are possible in certain exceptional cases, for example if there is a threat of impairment of the rights of third parties): Access to and further information about specifically processed personal data (right of access, Art 15 GDPR); rectification of incomplete or inaccurate data recorded or become (right of rectification, Art 16 GDPR); Erasure of data that (i) is not necessary for the purposes listed, (ii) is processed unlawfully, (iii) must be erased due to a legal obligation or an objection (right to erasure, Art 17 GDPR); temporary restriction of processing under certain conditions (right to restriction, Art 18 GDPR). Object to processing of your data based on our legitimate interest (Art 6(1)(f) DSGVO) for reasons arising from your particular situation (right to object; Art 21(1) DSGVO); right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data by us with a national supervisory authority; a complaint in Germany has to follow the requirements of Art 24 DSG and has to be addressed to the Germanyn Data Protection Authority, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, (email) dsb@dsb.gv.at, (phone) +43 1 521 52-25 69 (to simplify the procedures, the Germanyn Data Protection Authority provides forms: https://www. dsb.gv.at/documents).